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You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
BAE Workshop & Investments - news, site. The BAE Accelerator program is proven to dramatically increase your prospects for angel and VC funding. It starts with seed capital of up to $10,000. Then our workshop shares eight weekly sessions with personal coaching to get your business plan and presentation fully investor-ready. Lastly we personally introduce you and go with you to meet Bay Area investors. If you’re not in the Bay Area, you can participate remotely. The seed money more than covers the $1,000 workshop fee and your travel expenses to meet investors in Silicon Valley.
StarTECH. Seed and early stage technology-based companies primarily in Information Technology and Communications, Smart Energy Systems, Technology enabled Health Care, and Nanotech Processes and Materials.
Tech Multipler. Need office space? Tech Multiplier provides Lease for stock plus invest up to $1 million in tech companie, especially mobile applications, social networking and cloud computing.
Tech Wildcatters. Seeks teams of 2 or more entrepreneurs in web, gaming or software B2B/B2B2C startups. Companies receive $20-25K in seed capital, a 3 months training program, and access to mentors and sponsors.
Venture Spur. Started in Oklahoma City and expanded to Dallas, Spur provides a seed investment of $15,000 plus $5,000 per founder and a 12 week accelerator program.
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Services provided through Blue, DallasBlue, and MyLink are independent resources for business people, networkers, and users of LinkedIn and other social networks, and are not affiliated with or endorsed by LinkedIn or other networks.
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