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You don't have to spend a million dollars for your online store. Many web sites today feature easy integration so you can painlessly pop your store into your site's branding and navigation.
Let someone else handle cancellations, trials, upgrades and downgrades so you can focus on your product until you're bigger and and can directly use‘s API.
Web services
Many sites today offer Ecommerce or hosted shopping carts. A few of note are included below. They can get you started quickly. On the down side flexibility may be limited and there may be significant monthly and revenue share fees.
Big Net
Many of the Internet biggies have their own version of online stores. They may not have all the features of dedicated services. But they bring an immediate audience. Even if you already have a site, consider them as a marketing channel to reach their users.
Open source
Yeah, this be the free stuff.
Integrating stores and payments with Facebook is one of the hottest segments of Ecommerce.
Credit card terminals have been around for decades and are even wireless to serve retail sales. But unless you have a physical store or lots of transactions, a terminal and those merchant agreements can be expensive and bulky. It's overkill when you already have a powerful computer in your handy smartphone.
One alternative is to use a laptop or phone browser and manually enter sales on PayPal or your bank site. But that's a lot of info to type and your rate is higher.
Startup Square successfully shook up the market with iPhone and Android apps, plugin card reader, and terms that any small business could love. The reader is free and there are no transaction and monthly fees. Now you CAN take credit cards even if it's just for a few charges a month.
Gopayment is now competitive. They've removed fees and work with a Blackberry, which Square doesn't.
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